School for Peace - Donate
A school for refugee and local children in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
2019 - Charity bike ride Poster/photos/Volunteers/2019_Charity_bike_ride_Poster.jpg

2018 - July 29 Kathleen Margaret Atkins RIP/photos/Volunteers/2018_July_29_Kathleen_Margaret_Atkins_RIP.jpg

2016 - Visit 080/photos/Volunteers/2016_Visit_080.jpg

2016 - Visit 075/photos/Volunteers/2016_Visit_075.jpg

2016 - Visit 073/photos/Volunteers/2016_Visit_073.jpg

2016 - Visit 069/photos/Volunteers/2016_Visit_069.jpg

2016 - Visit 041/photos/Volunteers/2016_Visit_041.jpg

2016 - Visit 034/photos/Volunteers/2016_Visit_034.jpg

2016 - Visit 025/photos/Volunteers/2016_Visit_025.jpg

2016 - Visit 018/photos/Volunteers/2016_Visit_018.jpg

2016 - Visit 017/photos/Volunteers/2016_Visit_017.jpg

2016 - Visit 015/photos/Volunteers/2016_Visit_015.jpg

2016 - Visit 014/photos/Volunteers/2016_Visit_014.jpg

2016 - Visit 007/photos/Volunteers/2016_Visit_007.jpg

2013 - Issy Milburn/photos/Volunteers/2013_Issy_Milburn.jpg

2009 - Ian Bauers 1947 to 2013/photos/Volunteers/2009_Ian_Bauers_1947_to_2013.jpg

2003 - Anne Bauers 1944-2010/photos/Volunteers/2003_Anne_Bauers_1944-2010.jpg

Please mail Mary to volunteer help or ask about the school.
Please mail Neil for website problems and updates.
Copyright © 2025 School for Peace.