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 School for Peace -  Donate 

A school for refugee and local children in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Please Donate


All of the money raised is delivered direct to the sisters in Congo.
Printing costs and other expenses are deducted from gift aid donations.

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Gift Aid

Please could UK Tax payers include a Gift Aid Declaration . For every pound you donate, we can reclaim 25p from the tax man!

On Line Bank Transfer

Please use the following bank details for on-line funds transfers or repeating payments.
Sort code: 08-92-99
Account number: 65660964.

Cheque By Post

Please make cheques payable to "The Congo School for Peace" and post them to Mary at the address below.

Mary Ellwood
64 Northgate
NR34 9AU
United Kingdom

UK Telephone: 01502 716 960

International Telephone: +44 1502 716 960


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Charity Commission

The Congo School for Peace is a registered charity.

Please mail Mary to volunteer help or ask about the school.

Please mail Neil for website problems and updates.

Copyright © 2025 School for Peace.