School for Peace - Donate
A school for refugee and local children in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
2016 - Visit 078/photos/Teachers/2016_Visit_078.jpg

2016 - Visit 062/photos/Teachers/2016_Visit_062.jpg

2016 - Visit 049/photos/Teachers/2016_Visit_049.jpg

2016 - Visit 036/photos/Teachers/2016_Visit_036.jpg

2016 - Visit 023/photos/Teachers/2016_Visit_023.jpg

2016 - Visit 006/photos/Teachers/2016_Visit_006.jpg

2016 - Visit 005/photos/Teachers/2016_Visit_005.jpg

2016 - Visit 004/photos/Teachers/2016_Visit_004.jpg

2016 - Visit 003/photos/Teachers/2016_Visit_003.jpg

2016 - Visit 002/photos/Teachers/2016_Visit_002.jpg

2012 - Nursery Teachers/photos/Teachers/2012_Nursery_Teachers.jpg

2003 - Sr Euphrasie Mother Superior/photos/Teachers/2003_Sr_Euphrasie_Mother_Superior.jpg

2003 - Sisters at Chamalale/photos/Teachers/2003_Sisters_at_Chamalale.jpg

2003 - Sisters Celebrating New Mother Superior/photos/Teachers/2003_Sisters_Celebrating_New_Mother_Superior.jpg

2003 - A Warm Reception/photos/Teachers/2003_A_Warm_Reception.jpg

Please mail Mary to volunteer help or ask about the school.
Please mail Neil for website problems and updates.
Copyright © 2025 School for Peace.