School for Peace - Donate
A school for refugee and local children in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
Sponsor a Child
Forms to Download
Sponsor a Child Form
Standing Order Form
Gift Aid Declaration Form
There are several ways to help ...
- Sponsor a child. Please complete the Sponsor a Child Form.
- Make a one-off donation.
- If you are a taxpayer and you complete the Gift Aid Form, we can reclaim 25p from HMRC for every pound you donate.
- To donate a small amount regularly, complete the Standing Order Form.
- It costs £108 per year to sponsor a child at the School for Peace.
- If you can help us please contact Mary Ellwood at:
Children Needing a Sponsor
Sebente Class 1B Primary
Omeunga Class 4A Primary
Octavie Class 4B Primary
Nukembe Class 4A Primary
Nsaka Class 3A Primary
Nancy Year 1 Pedagogy
Nadège Class 4A Primary
Mwamba Class 3A Primary
Mukadi Class 3A Primary
Marie-Micheline Year 2 Pedagogy
Marie-Gloire Year 3 Science
Maninga Class 4A Primary
Kiwele U Class 1A Primary
Kiwele K Class 1A Primary
Kaya Class 4A Primary
Karaj Class 4A Primary
Kalombo Year 3 Pedagogy
Kalenga Class 4A Primary
Kaj Class 3A Primary
Kabange Class 4A Primary
Jérémie Year 2 Pedagogy
Josué Year 8 General Education
Jenovic Class 1B Primary
Irene Class 1B Primary
Grace Year 8 General Education
Germain Class 4A Primary
Farel Class 1B Primary
Diese Class 3A Primary
Didier Year 8 General Education
Daniel Class 1A Primary
Brayan Class 1B Primary
Blessing Class 1B Primary
Banza Class 1A Primary
Anna Year 3 Science
Amélia Class 4A Primary
Please mail Mary to volunteer help or ask about the school.
Please mail Neil for website problems and updates.
Copyright © 2025 School for Peace.