Please mail Mary or Neil to get your fund raising activity listed on the website.
Wednesday February 26th 2025 - 2.30
64 Northgate, Beccles
Come to one of our regular meetings to hear the latest news and prepare future events.
Monday January 20th 2025 - 10.15am
64 Northgate, Beccles
Come and hear he latest news from the school and prepare future events. Refreshments will be served.
Wednesday December 18th 2024 - 6pm
Hipperson's Boatyard, Beccles, NR34 0EB
Come and join us for carol singing and other Christmas music. Mulled wine and mince pies will be served.
Sunday December 1st 2024 - 10am - 3pm
Fisher Theatre, 10 Broad St, Bungay NR35 1EE
Join us at the Makers' Market, upstairs at the Fisher Theatre. This is the day of the Christmas street market so it will be a good occasion to come to Bungay and visit us. Knitted tea cosies and hot water bottle covers as well as cards and other gifts.
Wednesday November 27th 2024 - 7.30pm to 9pm
The Quaker Room (downstairs), Beccles
Join us for the Annual General Meeting. We will show film footage and photos from the past year. Refreshments will be served.
Wednesday November 6th 2024 - 10.30am via ZOOM
64 Northgate, Beccles NR34 9AU
Come and hear the latest information about the school. We will also be planning the AGM. Refreshments will be served. If you are able to attend we will send you the Zoom link.
Friday November 1st 2024 - 9am - 1pm
New Market, Beccles
This will be our last stall in New Market. Lots of bargains to be had: bric a brac, jigsaw puzzles, books and clothes.
Saturday September 21st 2024 - 6pm
The Old Rectory, Barsham, NR34 8HA
By kind invitation Of Howard Trust. In order to celebrate 21 years since our fundraising began, we are happy to be able to invite you to our popular Italian dinner prepared by our friend Adriana. The evening will start with a drink in the beautiful garden and then we will go inside for the three-course meal. Tickets: £20. The menu will be available shortly. You are welcome to bring your own wine or beer. Please contact Mary for tickets -
Wednesday September 4th 2024 - 10.30am
64 Northgate, Beccles NR34 9AU
Please come to our regular support group meeting. We will catch up on what has been happening at and for the school and beyond, as well as preparing for the Italian supper on 21st September. Refreshments will be served,
Sunday August 4th 2024 - 2.30-5.30pm
The Waveney Centre, Beccles NR34 9HE
The Puddingmoor Annual Charity Garden Party will this year take place at The Waveney Centre which has a beautiful garden as well as excellent indoor facilities. Donations will be collected as you come in so please bring plenty of cash.
We hope to have hand bell ringing, piano duets, solo and small group singing and renditions. If you belong to any other groups, or play instruments or know people who would like to perform. Please contact me. The atmosphere will continue to be 'informal' and there will be opportunities for anyone who wants to to join in.
Tea and Cake will be provided throughout.
Thursday June 20th 2024 - 10.30am
If you wish to join the meeting please contact Mary: and you will receive the link.
We will catch up on the news since the last meeting and plan for future events.
Sunday May 5th 2024 - 8am - 3pm
Ravensmere Beccles NR34 9BE
We will be having a stall in RAVENSMERE next to the back of Practical Van Hire where we will be selling quality items at very reasonable prices. Please visit our stall on the way to or from the Beccles Antiques Fair on the quay.
Wednesday May 1st 2024 - 10.30
64 Northgate, Beccles NR34 9AU
Come and hear the latest news from the school and the sisters. We will be preparing for the stall on 5th May and the garden party on 12th or 19th May. refreshments will be served.
Sunday March 24th 2024 - 3pm
Hungate Canopy Theatre
An afternoon of songs from the eighteenth to the twentieth centuries with contemporary poetry given by Lynne Nesbit (Soprano), Diane Dungate (Piano) and Alistair Bamford (Reader). Refreshments will be served. Cost: £12. Tickets from Beccles Books or on the door.
Wednesday March 13th 2024 - 10.30am
64 Northgate, Beccles NR34 9AU
Come and hear the latest information
from the school. We will also prepare for our next event - Song and Poetry - which will take place on Sunday 24th March. Refreshments will be served.
Friday February 2nd 2024 - 2pm
64 Northgate, Beccles NR34 9AU
Our regular update with the latest news form the school and the community as well as planning our events for 2024.
Thursday December 14th 2023 - 2pm
64 Northgate, Beccles NR34 9AU
We will be discussing recent events such as the meeting with Sr Virginie. Refreshments will be served.
Wednesday November 8th 2023 - 7.30pm
The Quaker Room (downstairs), Smallgate, Beccles
Come and hear about the developments since the last AGM. there will be video footage and photos. Refreshments will be served and a small number of items for sale. Plenty of parking in various carparks as this venue is in the centre of town. We look forward to seeing you there.
NB all the amenities are on the ground floor
Saturday November 4th 2023 - 9am - 12pm
St Benet's Primary School Hall
The Friends of St. Benet's Primary School PTFA are organising an
Indoor Table Top Sale and we will have a table there. You will have the opportunity to buy some useful items as well as Christmas presents.
Tuesday October 17th 2023 - 2pm
64 Northgate, Beccles NR34 9AU
We will principally prepare for the AGM, and plan questions for Mary's meeting with Sr Virginie in France next week.
Refreshments will be served.
Thursday September 14th 2023 - 2pm
64 Northgate, Beccles NR34 9AU
Come and hear the latest news from the school and help us plan our next events. Refreshments will be served.
Friday August 25th 2023 - 8.30am - 2.30pm
Outside QD, Newmarket, Beccles
Almost £380 was taken at this stall. Thanks to all those who donated goods, helped and came to support us.
As the last stall had to be cancelled we have many lovely items for sale. Please come and support us.
Friday July 14th 2023 - 8am - 1pm
Outside QD, Newmarket, Beccles
Come and support the charity by purchasing from a wide variety of donated goods: bric a brac, cards, books, jigsaw puzzles, clothes, hand made items and sewing materials
Tuesday May 9th 2023 - 3pm
64 Northgate, Beccles NR34 9AU
We hope to have news of Sr Virginie's stay and to start preparing the garden party. We will discuss other fundraising events as well. Refreshments will be served.
Sunday April 30th 2023 - 8.30am - 2.30pm
Ravensmere Beccles NR34 9BE
We raised £314.15! Thanks to everyone who donated items and came to support us.
On the occasion of the Beccles Antiques Fair, there will be a stall in the parking area next to Practical van hire where we will be selling a variety of things including bric-a-brac, antiques, clothes and books. Please come and support us. All proceeds to The School for Peace.
Tuesday April 4th 2023 - 3pm
64 Northgate, Beccles NR34 9AU
There will be an update on recent events and income and we will start to prepare Sr Virginie's visit in June. Tea and cakes will be served.
Saturday March 25th 2023 - 7pm
Sea Cadet HQ Fen Ln, Beccles NR34 9BH
Come and join us for the first fundraising event of 2023. We are happy that Ros and Jeff from Kings Lynn - experienced quiz masters - will lead the evening. The authentic curries will be made by Aloma and her sister-in-law, Mary, followed by desserts. You are welcome to bring your own drinks although some will be available for a donation. There will also be a raffle.
Tickets £10 can be booked via email:
Friday December 16th 2022 - 8.30am - 12.30pm
Outside QD, Newmarket, Beccles
A great chance to buy some Christmas presents as well as bric a brac and a variety of household items. Please come to bag a bargain and support us.
Wednesday November 9th 2022 - 7.30pm
Beccles Library, Blyburgate
Come and hear about the developments since the last AGM. there will be video footage and photos. Refreshments will be served.
Thursday October 13th 2022 - 2pm
64 Northgate Beccles NR34 9AU
Refreshments will be served.
Saturday September 10th 2022 - 6pm
The Old Rectory Barsham NR34 8HA
In order to celebrate 21 years since our fundraising began, we are happy to be able to invite you to our popular Italian dinner prepared by our friend Adriana. The evening will start with a drink in the beautiful garden and then we will go inside for the three-course meal. Tickets:£20
Punch and nibbles in the garden on arrival
Meal (6.30 onwards)Starter: courgette and red pepper salad with crusty bread. Mains: baked pasta with meatballs + salad OR
baked risotto with aubergine, mozzarella and basil + salad
Choice of desserts
PLUS Coffee and sweets, Musical entertainment, Garden walks
You are welcome to bring your own wine or beer
Please contact Mary for tickets - 01502 716960 or
Sunday August 28th 2022 - 6.40am and 6.50am
For early listeners, Mary will be interviewed for the programme "Journey of Faith."
Sunday August 21st 2022 - 8am - 3pm
Next to Practical Van Hire in Ravensmere, Beccles, NR34 9AY Beccles
Come and grab a bargain. Lots of items for sale. Price range 50p - £10
Proceeds to the School for Peace
Wednesday August 17th 2022 - 3pm
64 Northgate Beccles NR34 9AU
Come and hear the latest news and plan coming events. There's a lot to catch up on. Tea and cakes provided.
Friday August 12th 2022 - 8.30am - 1pm
Beccles Town Centre
Come and support the charity by purchasing from a wide variety of donated goods: bric a brac, cards, books, jigsaw puzzles, clothes, hand made items and material
Sunday July 31st 2022 - 2.30 - 5pm
40 Puddingmoor, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9PL
We raised a whopping £1,126.28! Thanks to everyone who came, performed, listened and made cakes, but especially to Joy and her team for their hard work.
Joy Jeffery is kindly hosting another of her famous musical garden parties. Come along to listen or play. Bring a cake if you can, and enjoy a delightful afternoon of music in this lovely garden near the River Waveney.
Tuesday February 22nd 2022 - 5.30pm
64 Northgate Beccles NR34 9AU
This meeting replaces the one we had planned for 1st February. We will catch up on the news from the school and other projects and plan some activities.
Tuesday February 1st 2022 - 5.30pm
64 Northgate Beccles NR34 9AU
THIS MEETING HAS BEEN POSTPONED as one of our team has been asked to limit contacts this week. Apologies.
Come and hear the latest news from the school and help us prepare future events. Refreshments will be served.
NB the time of the meeting has been changed from 3.45pm to 5.30pm.
Friday December 17th 2021 - 8am - 12pm
Exchange Square, Beccles
This stall raised £320! Thanks to all those who donated and who came to buy. 😊
Another chance to buy some Christmas items as well as bric a brac, household items and clothes, many of which are new. Please come to bag a bargain and support us.
Monday December 13th 2021 - 3pm to 5pm
64 Northgate Beccles NR34 9AU
Come and hear the latest news and watch some videos from The School for Peace. Christmas refreshments will be served!
Sunday December 12th 2021 - 11am
St Benet's School Hall
We'll be giving you the opportunity to buy a variety of gifts and cards, all of which have been donated by well wishers. There will also be some items for sale from Congo.
Wednesday October 13th 2021 - 7.30pm
Beccles Library, Blyburgate, NR34 9TB
We will be able to have the AGM this year, thankfully. We will have photos, news and hopefully video footage to share with you. The meeting will be followed by refreshments. It would be lovely to see as many of you as possible. Free parking available in Roy's car park after 6pm.
Saturday August 28th 2021 - From 2pm
64 Northgate Beccles NR34 9AU (Entrance in Ravensmere)
A magnificent £910 was raised once online donations had been counted. Thanks to everyone who contributed by making cakes, donating items for the shop and to those who helped on the day. We are having a tea party in the garden of 64 Northgate NR34 9AU (entrance in Ravensmere) on Saturday 28th August from 2pm. This is a smaller event than originally planned but we do hope you will be able to join us.
Saturday July 3rd 2021 - 2.30pm to 5pm
The grounds of the Old Rectory, Barsham, NR34 8HA
THIS EVENT HAS BEEN POSTPONED due to the current COVID situation. We will update you as soon as we can.
Wednesday June 30th 2021 - 7.30pm
64 Northgate Beccles NR34 9AU
We hope to have a new date for the garden party so this evening will be spent catching up on the latest news from the school as well as preparing for forthcoming events. Refreshments will be served.
Wednesday May 19th 2021 - All day
Calling all Norwich City fans! This unworn XL shirt was donated by a supporter to be sold for the School for Peace. It was signed by players and one of the coaches. The auction will end at 19.55 on 19th May. Here is the link to the site:
Tuesday May 18th 2021 - 3pm
64 Northgate NR34 9AU
This meeting will be held in the garden. Come and hear the latest news from the school and plan the forthcoming garden party in July.
Sunday May 16th 2021 - 8am to 3pm
Glemham Hall, Suffolk, IP13 0BT
We are having a 'vintage' stall as several items have been donated for the School for Peace.
Tuesday February 23rd 2021 - 7.30pm
Small Charities Challenge Fund. At this meeting we will analyse the project suggested by the sisters and look at the application in detail. The deadline is 25th March. Please email if you would like to attend.
Friday January 29th 2021 - 10am
Our first meeting for a very long time! Our treasurer has scheduled two meetings one after the other with a 5 minute break in between. We'll be discussing financial matters as well as the SCCF bid we would like to apply for. Please email if you would like to attend.
Tuesday February 25th 2020 - 7.30pm
64, Northgate, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9AU
Come and hear the latest news from the school and the area. We'll also be discussing upcoming events. Refreshments will be served.
Saturday February 15th 2020 - 7pm
The Old Rectory, Barsham, Beccles, NR34 8HA
£1000 was raised at this event. Thanks to all you came, cooked, washed up, played music and to Howard for offering his lovely home for the event.
Forget Saint Valentine and come to a San Faustino evening in the wonderful surroundings of The Old Rectory, Barsham.
Tickets: £15 including a glass of vino frizzante and live music
Grilled pepper salad
Rice and spinach cake
Courgette involtini
Fried chicken in breadcrumbs
Potatoes layered with tomatoes
Green salad
Roasted tomato salad
Coffee and chocolates
Wednesday January 29th 2020 - 7.30pm
64, Northgate, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9AU
Come and hear the latest news from the school and help us prepare for the Italian Buffet on 15th February. Refreshments will be served.
Tuesday December 10th 2019 - 7.00pm
64 Northgate Beccles NR34 9AU
Starting at the earlier time of 7pm, to allow time for seasonal refreshments, come and hear the latest news from the school and help us choose and plan fundraising events for the new year.
Sunday December 1st 2019 - 11.30am and 6.30pm
St Benet's Hall NR34 9NR
Come and buy a recycled gift for Christmas.Â
Saturday November 16th 2019 - 2pm to 4pm
All Saints Church Rooms, Bushloe End, Wigston LE18 2BA
For those in the Leicester area, there will be a fundraising stall with hand-made crafts and recycled gifts. Refreshments will be served.
Wednesday November 13th 2019 - 7.30pm
64, Northgate, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9AU
Please come to our monthly meetings where we catch up on the latest news from the school and plan events. Refreshments will be served.
Thursday October 17th 2019 - 7.30pm
The Library, Beccles NR34 9TB
Come and hear what has been happening since last year. A few of us have managed to visit the sisters in Zambia, on the border with Congo, and we have lots of news, photos and footage. The AGM will be preceded by a Support Group meeting at 6pm. Refreshments will be served afterwards.
Sunday October 6th 2019 - 12pm
Glebeland School
Clare WIlliams (headteacher of Glebeland School) and her husband, Darren, will be setting off today to drive in an old banger to the Arctic Circle to raise funds for The School for Peace. We will be keeping track of their progress over the next few days.
Wednesday September 4th 2019 - 7.30pm
64, Northgate, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9AU
Come and hear the latest news from the school and help us plan our next events. Refreshments will be served.
Sunday August 18th 2019 - 3pm
40 Puddingmoor, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9PL
We raised £432.15 at this event, thanks to Joy, her helpers and all who came to play music, sing and watch.
Joy Jeffery is kindly hosting another of her famous musical garden parties. Come along to listen or play. Bring a cake if you can, and enjoy a delightful afternoon of music in this lovely garden near the River Waveney.
Saturday June 1st 2019 - Several days!
Lands End to The Northern Isles
Peter Hobbs will be pedalling 1380 miles this summer to raise money for three good causes including The School for Peace.
We are very grateful to Peter for his support.
Wednesday May 1st 2019 - 7.30pm
64, Northgate, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9AU
Come and find out the latest news from Congo. Refreshments served. All are welcome.
Wednesday April 24th 2019 - 2pm
Geldeston Village Hall NR34 OLB
Stan and Ollie (PG). This will be the last film of the season. A homage to Laurel and Hardy starring Steve Coogan and John C. Reilly.
97 minutes.
£6 includes tea and cakes.
Wednesday March 27th 2019 - 2pm
Geldeston Village Hall NR34 OLB
First Man (12A).
The riveting story behind the first manned mission to the moon starring Ryan Gosling.
141 minutes.
£6 includes tea and cakes.
Sunday March 24th 2019 - 4pm
All Saints Church, Worlingham, Lowestoft Road, NR34 7RB
£200 was raised at this concert! Thanks to all the musicians and those who made cakes and those who came to listen and donate.
Come and hear this excellent choir under the direction of Mary Nicholson perform a variety of music accompanied by:
Willow Swiatek (oboe)
Jonathan Dodd (piano)
Ursula Pank (cello)
Wednesday March 20th 2019 - 7.30pm
64 Northgate Beccles NR34 9AU
Come and hear the latest news from Congo and find out what our plans are for the coming months.
Refreshments will be served.
Wednesday February 27th 2019 - 2pm
Geldeston Village Hall NR34 OLB
Peterloo (12A)
The story of the 1819 Peterloo Massacre where British forces attacked a peaceful pro-democracy rally in Manchester.
Written and directed by Mike Leigh and starring Rory Kinnear, Maxine Peake and Neil Bell
2 hours 34 minutes
£6 including tea and cakes
Sunday February 24th 2019 - 3.30pm
The Old Rectory, Barsham, NR34 8HA
£780 was raised at this event! Thank you all for your help in making it such a success.
THIS EVENT IS NOW SOLD OUT! Thanks to all who are supporting it.
Come and enjoy a large selection of sandwiches, scones and cakes with live music from the young women's choir Auriga Capella under the direction of Mary Nicholson. Feel free to dress up for the occasion!
Cost: £10. Family tickets available at £25. Please contact us if you require transport (
Wonderful raffle prizes to include a £50 Boots token.
Wednesday January 30th 2019 - 2pm
Geldeston Village Hall NR34 OLB
Christopher Robin (PG)
Christopher Robin (Ewan McGregor) receives a surprise visit from his old childhood pal, Winnie-the-Pooh.
104 minutesÂ
£6 includes tea and cakes.
Wednesday January 30th 2019 - 7.30pm
64, Northgate, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9AU
Come and hear the latest news from the school. We will hopefully have some positive news about the elections by then. Refreshments are served at these meetings.
Tuesday December 11th 2018 - 7.30pm
64, Northgate, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9AU
Come and find out the latest news from Congo. Alan, Colin and Mary will give feedback on the course they attended which was run by the Charities Commission. There will also be seasonal refreshments. All are welcome.
Wednesday November 28th 2018 - 2pm
Geldeston Village Hall NR34 OLB
The last film before Christmas:
The Bookshop
A delightful film about books, passion and dreams based on the novel by Penelope Fitzgerald.
120 mins
£6 including tea and cake. All welcome.
The next film will be at the end of January.
Sunday November 18th 2018 - 4pm
Broadlands, Borrow Road, NR32 3PW
Auriga Capella will focus on the barbershop repertoire at this concert.Â
Free entry.
Donations for The School for Peace.
Tuesday November 13th 2018 - 7.30pm
64 Northgate, Beccles, NR34 9AU
Our regular meeting to hear the latest news from the school, look at finances and plan events. All welcome.
Refreshments served.
Wednesday October 24th 2018 - 2pm
Geldeston Village Hall NR34 OLB
Mary Shelley (12a)
A luscious and moving period drama based on the life of the author of Frankenstein.
117 mins
£6 including tea and cake.
All welcome.
Saturday October 20th 2018 - 7pm to 10pm
St Benet's School Hall, Beccles NR34 9NR
A terrific £1175 was raised at this dinner.
Thanks to all who donated and cooked the food, prepared the hall, to the musicians and all who attended and donated raffle prizes and drinks.
£15 including three-course meal to include a glass of wine or beer. Live music from the Johnny Q band with guest singer, Bonnie.Â
Choose from authentic Indian curries, Italian dishes or good old bangers and mash.
Please order your tickets from Mary Ellwood 01502 716960
=== MENU ===
Portuguese-style salad
MAIN COURSES (please choose)
Authentic Italian lasagne
Vegetable casserole (from southern Italy)
Chicken curry or vegetarian dhal both served with rice
Seppings sausages and mash served with onion gravy
Plum tart
Apple Brown Betty (Nigel Slater)
Mango lassi
Red or white wine
Cobra beer
Sparkling water with elderflower or ginger and lemon cordial
Tuesday October 16th 2018 - 7.30pm
64 Northgate, Beccles
Our regular meeting to hear the latest news from the school, look at finances and plan events. All welcome. Refreshments served.
Thursday September 27th 2018 - 7.30pm
Beccles Library NR34 9TB
Come and hear what has been happening since last year. Although no one has been able to visit this year because of the political situation, the school is thriving and we have lots of good news from Tshamalale. Refreshments will be served afterwards and tickets will be on sale for the International Supper in October ...
Wednesday September 26th 2018 - 2pm
Geldeston Village Hall NR34 OLB
The new seasons starts in the newly-refurbished hall.
The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Society (12A)
“An irresistible romantic comedyâ€
124 mins
£6 including tea and cake. All welcome.
Sunday September 2nd 2018 - 2.30pm-6.30pm
40 Puddingmoor, Beccles, NR34 9PL
Joy Jeffery is kindly hosting another of her famous musical garden parties. Come along to listen or play. Bring a cake if you can, and enjoy a lovely afternoon of music in this lovely garden near the River Waveney.
£536 was raised at this event! Thanks to Joy and her team, the audience and all who made cakes and participated in the music making.
Sunday July 22nd 2018 - 3pm
64, Northgate, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9AU
All Sponsors and Supporters are invited to tea to thank you for all you have done for the school in recent years. Please phone Mary on 01502 716960 if you are able to attend or if you you would like to know where to park.
Friday July 6th 2018 - 5pm to 7pm
St Benet's Primary School Playground, Beccles NR34 9NR
The School for Peace will have a bric-a-brac stall as part of this event. Come and support us, or donate items to sell. Phone Mary if you have items for the stall: 01502 716960.
We raised £73 from the two weeks' events at St Benet's and St Edmund's Catholic Primary Schools.
Wednesday July 4th 2018 - 7.30pm
64, Northgate, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9AU
Our regular meeting when we discuss recent events, receive a report from the treasurer and plan future events. All welcome. Refreshments served.
Friday June 29th 2018 - 2pm
St Benet's Primary School, Beccles NR34 9NR
There will be an exhibition of children's art work following on from a week of cross-curricular activities. Refreshments will be served. Collection for the School for Peace. This will be repeated at St Edmund's Primary School, Bungay, on Friday, 6th July at 2pm.
Thursday May 24th 2018 - 7.30pm
64, Northgate, Beccles, SUffolk, NR34 9AU
Come and hear our latest news including messages and photos from the school. We will also be planning our forthcoming events. Refreshments will be served.
NB The meeting is on THURSDAY this month.
Thursday April 26th 2018 - 7.30pm
64, Northgate, Beccles, SUffolk, NR34 9AU
Come and hear our latest news about the arrival of the container and see photos of the resources we sent. We will also be planning our forthcoming events. Refreshments will be served.
NB The meeting is on THURSDAY this month.
Wednesday February 21st 2018 - 7.30pm
64, Northgate, Beccles, SUffolk, NR34 9AU
Our monthly meeting where we discuss the latest news from the school and plan future events. Refreshments will be served.
Wednesday January 31st 2018 - 2pm
Geldeston Village Hall NR34 OLB
SADLY THIS EVENT HAD TO BE CANCELLED because of building work.
The films shown in the autumn brought in £180. Thanks to everyone involved. See you again in September!
As the hall is being refurbished, this will be the last film until SEPTEMBER 2018.
Victoria and Abdul (PG)
Starring Judi Dench and Ali Fazal, telling the extraordinary true story of an unexpected friendship.
1 hour and 51 minutes
£6 Tea and cakes will be served.
Wednesday January 24th 2018 - 7.30pm
64, Northgate, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9AU
We hope to have news of the container at this meeting as well as information about forthcoming projects and events. Refreshments will be served.
Wednesday December 13th 2017 - 19.30
64, Northgate, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9AU
This is a regular meeting to hear the latest news about the school and the work of the sisters of St Joseph and plan future events. Christmas refreshments will be served.Â
Saturday December 2nd 2017 - 19.30
St Mary's Church, Woodbridge, IP12 4LP
We raised £249 with the retiring collection. Thank you!
We are delighted to announce that Woodbridge Choral Society and Orchestra will give the charity a plug in their programme and allow us to make a retiring collection for the school. Ian Bauers was well known to the orchestra and many of his friends play in it. Thank you to the chairman and committee for organising this for us.
Wednesday November 29th 2017 - 2pm
Geldeston Village Hall NR34 OLB
Whisky Galore
A remake of the classic Ealing comedy.starring Eddie Izzard and Gregor Fisher. Islanders off the coast of Scotland compete with a stuffy English commander to recover 50,000 cases of whisky from a wrecked cargo vessel.
98 minutes.
Ticket: £6 includes tea/coffee and cake.
A part of the profits from these films goes to the Congo School for Peace.Â
Tickets can be bought in the Hall on the day.
Saturday October 28th 2017 - 6.30pm to 10.30pm
The Old Rectory, Barsham, NR34 8HA
Thanks to all who came and to those who worked so hard to prepare for the evening. This money will go towards the purpose-built school library.
There will be an evening of Italian food, wine and culture in the beautiful setting of The Old Rectory, by kind permission of Mr Howard Trust. Authentic southern Italian dishes will be prepared by our Italian friend Adriana White. The cost will be £15 per person including a glass of wine. Places are limited to 40. There will be live music provided by Auriga Capella and a raffle of Italian goods. Places are limited to 40. Please telephone Mary Ellwood on 01502 716960 to reserve your place.
£15 including one glass of wine (further glasses can be purchased). Soft drinks available.
On arrival Prosecco and nibbles, olives, nuts, bread sticks, home-made taralli (olive oil crackers with fennel seeds)
Mixed antipasti: cold meats, peppers and a vegetarian starter
Choice of one vegetarian pasta bake and one with ragù containing pork
Tiramisù and torta di mele (Italian apple pie) for dessert.
Solos: songs by Scarlatti
SÃ, mi chiamano Mimi, O mio Babbino. Â Puccini
Mozart duet.
Monteverdi: Â Â 3 songs from Scherzi Musicali.
Songs from southern Italy:
O sole mio, Tirritomba, Trippole trappole, La Ricciolella
We hope to have more music later in the evening
Wednesday October 18th 2017 - 19:30
64, Northgate, Beccles, SUffolk, NR34 9AU
Please come and hear what we've been doing this year and what our plans are for the future. Questions and suggestions are always most welcome. There will be refreshments afterwards.
Wednesday October 18th 2017 - 2pm
Geldeston Village Hall NR34 OLB
Their Finest
Starring Bill Nighy and Gemma Arterton.
Comedy/Drama set during WWII. In 1940, a married woman (Gemma Arterton) and a screenwriter (Sam Claflin) develop a growing attraction while working together on a propaganda film about the evacuation of Allied troops from Dunkirk, France.
117 minutes
Ticket: £6 includes tea/coffee and cake.
A part of the profits from these films goes to the Congo School for Peace.Â
Tickets can be bought in the Hall on the day.
Tuesday October 10th 2017 - 19.30
64, Northgate, Beccles, SUffolk, NR34 9AU
This time the meeting is on a a Tuesday. We shall be preparing for the AGM.
Wednesday September 27th 2017 - 2pm
Geldeston Village Hall NR34 OLB
The Autumn film season kicks off with a screening of
The Time of their Lives (12a)  ComedyÂ
104 mins   Â
Determined to gatecrash her ex-lover's funeral, former Hollywood siren Helen (Joan Collins) escapes her retirement home with the help of Priscilla (Pauline Collins), a repressed English housewife. They hit the road together in a race to get to the funeral on time, becoming entangled in a love triangle with a reclusive Italian millionaire (Franco Nero) along the way.
£6 including home-made tea and cakes
Sunday July 16th 2017 - 3pm - 6.00pm
51 Northgate, Beccles NR34 9AU
There was a most excellent high tea by the river with music from the acclaimed Auriga Capella girls choir. Mary and John Nicholson kindly opened their garden for this event. £5 entry. There was a raffle and bric-a-brac stall.
Update: £660 then £710 raised and the money is still coming in - well done everyone and many thanks!
Wednesday June 28th 2017 - 10:30
Outney Common Golf Club Car Park and Later at Neil's House.
The Waveney ramblers group raised £124 at this curry lunch.
A huge thank you to all the donors including some who didn't even have the lunch!
Wednesday April 26th 2017 - 2pm
Geldeston Village Hall NR34 OLB
The films since September 2016 have made £286 for the charity. Thank you all for your support.
See you next September.
A United Kingdom.
Prince Seretse Khama of Botswana causes an international stir when he marries a white woman from London in the late 1940s. Â
Starring David Oyelowo and Rosamund Pike.Â
111 minutes
Sunday April 2nd 2017 - 3.30pm
St Benet's Minster Beccles NR34 9NR
This concert raised £475.20. Thanks to all the musicians and all those who came to support them and the charity.
This excellent girls choir returns to the wonderful acoustic of St Benet's MInster for a concert of Baroque music to include The Stabat Mater by Pergolesi and French songs featuring composers such as Sébastien de Brossard, and Etienne Moulinié. They will also perform pieces by Henry Purcell and J.S. Bach. We will also have the opportunity to hear some organ and oboe works. Tea and cakes will be served afterwards in the hall. An event not to be missed.
Wednesday March 29th 2017 - 2pm
Geldeston Village Hall NR34 OLB
The Light Between Oceans.
A lighthouse keeper and his wife living off the coast of Western Australia raise a baby they rescue from an adrift rowboat.
Starring Michael Fassbender and Alicia Vikander, and based on the bestselling book.
132 minutes
Wednesday February 22nd 2017 - 2pm
Geldeston Village Hall NR34 OLB
Café Society.
In the 1930s, a young Bronx native moves to Hollywood, where he falls in love with the secretary of his powerful uncle, an agent to the stars. After returning to New York, he is swept up in the vibrant world of high society nightclub life. Directed by Woody Allen.
96 mins
(Some violence, a drug reference and suggestive material)
Wednesday January 25th 2017 - 2pm
Geldeston Village Hall NR34 OLB
The Railway Children.
The recorded stage show of this British classic, recently filmed at the York Theatre Royal.
125 minutes in length with a 15 minute interval.
Wednesday November 30th 2016 - 2pm
Geldeston Village Hall NR34 OLB
This month's film is the hit 'Florence Foster Jenkins' starring Meryl Streep as the woman who wanted to become a great opera singer. Unfortunately, her ambition far exceeded her talent. Set in 1940s New York.
Sunday November 27th 2016 - 10am to 4pm
Langley School, Langley Park, Loddon, NR14 6BJ
The School for Peace Support Group will be holding a stall at this event, selling gifts, bric-a-brac and cards. Come and support us. Free entry.
Wednesday October 26th 2016 - 2pm
Geldeston Village Hall NR34 OLB
This month's film, 'Love and Friendship' is costume drama based on a novella by Jane Austen called 'Lady Susan'. In the 18th century, the seductive and manipulative Lady Susan (Kate Beckinsale) uses devious tactics to win the heart of the eligible Reginald De Courcy (Xavier Samuel).
Wednesday October 12th 2016 - 7.30pm
64, Northgate, Beccles, SUffolk, NR34 9AU
This is the new date for the School for Peace AGM. Please come and hear what we have been doing this year and what our plans are for the future. Come with questions and suggestions. There will be refreshments afterwards.
Wednesday September 14th 2016 - 7.30pm
64, Northgate, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9AU
At this meeting we will be preparing for the AGM as well as hearing the latest news from the School for Peace.
Sunday August 7th 2016 - 2.30pm-6.30pm
40 Puddingmoor, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9PL
This wonderful event raised £320 for The School for Peace Thanks to Joy, all her helpers and to all those who performed and attended. It was a huge success and we hope Joy will repeat it in the future.
Audience and musicians welcome
Tea and cakes are provided, bring alcohol if you like
Please come whatever the weather
Donations to the School for Peace in The Congo
The weather was fabulous - Thank you Joy and everyone who contributed help, cake or funds (just over £300) for the school !
Wednesday July 6th 2016 - 7.30pm
64, Northgate, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9AU
Wednesday June 8th 2016 - 7.30pm
64, Northgate, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9AU
Wednesday May 25th 2016 - 2pm
Films will resume on the last Wednesday of the month from September 2016.
Watch this space for further details.
Wednesday May 4th 2016 - 7.30pm
64, Northgate, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9AU
Come and find out the latest news from the School for Peace. Mary will be showing photos and film footage of her recent stay in Congo. Refreshments will be served and there may be some interesting things to buy.
Wednesday April 27th 2016 - 2.00pm to 4.30pm
Geldeston Village Hall, NR34 OLB
The Dressmaker (15).
118 minutes.
Ticket: £6 includes tea/coffee and cake.
A part of the profits from these films goes to the Congo School for Peace.Â
Tickets can be bought in the Hall on the day.
Wednesday March 30th 2016 - Two week event
Tshamalale and Likasi, DRC
From 30th March to 16th April, Mary will be visiting the School for Peace to see the latest developments, find out how well the children are doing and see as many people as possible in two weeks. Please get in touch if you have any questions for her.
Wednesday March 30th 2016 - 2.00pm to 4.30pm
Geldeston Village Hall, NR34 OLB
The Lady in the Van, starring Maggie Smith.
104 mins Comedy drama.
Ticket: £6 includes tea/coffee and cake.
A part of the profits from these films goes to the Congo School for Peace.Â
Tickets can be bought in the Hall on the day.
Wednesday March 2nd 2016 - 7.30pm
64 Northgate Beccles NR34 9AU
This will be the last meeting before Mary departs for Congo. Pelase come and share ideas for what you would like achieved while she is there: questions, photos, filming etc. We will discuss the latest news and plan for the future. refreshments will be served.
Wednesday February 24th 2016 - 2.00pm to 4.30pm
Geldeston Village Hall, NR34 OLB
104 mins Light drama.
In this new comedy adventure, celebrated travel writer, Bill Bryson (Robert Redford), challenges himself to take the Appalachian Trail - 2,200, miles of America's most unspoiled, spectacular and rugged countryside from Georgia to Maine.
Ticket: £6 includes tea/coffee and cake.
A part of the profits from these films goes to the Congo School for Peace.Â
Tickets can be bought in the Hall on the day.
Wednesday February 3rd 2016 - 7.30pm
64 Northgate Beccles NR34 9AU
You are welcome to attend our regular meeting. We will plan for the Easter visit to the school and discuss future fundraising events. Refreshments will be served.
Saturday December 19th 2015 - 2.30pm to 4.30pm
Stranger's Hall and Royal Arcade, Norwich
The wonderful Beccles-based girls choir will be performing in two venues. Please come and hear them. All money collected will be used to provide resources for the secondary school.
Wednesday December 2nd 2015 - 7.30pm
64 Northgate, Beccles, NR34 9AU
Monthly meeting to look back on recent events and finances and look to 2016.
Sunday November 29th 2015 - 10am - 4pm
Langley School, Norfolk, NR14
The School for Peace Support Group will be holding a stall at this event, selling gifts, bric-a-brac and cards. Come and support us. Free entry.
Wednesday November 25th 2015 - 2pm
Geldeston Village Hall opposite the Wherry Inn NR34 0LB
Mr Holmes. Tea and home-made cakes will be served. Cost: £6, a donation from which will go to the School for Peace.
Wednesday October 28th 2015 - 2pm
Geldeston Village Hall opposite the Wherry Inn NR34 0LB
A Royal Night Out. Tea and home-made cakes will be served. Cost: £6, a donation from which will go to the School for Peace.
Wednesday October 14th 2015 - 7.30pm
64 Northgate, Beccles. NR34 9AU
Regular monthly meeting with refreshments.
Wednesday September 30th 2015 - 2pm
Geldeston Village Hall opposite the Wherry Inn NR34 0LB
From September 2014 to May 2015, we managed to raise £320 from the films which once again will cover 3 children's education for a year. Thanks to all who attended, to Jo and Liliian for making delicious cakes a special thanks to Brian who generously supports the School for Peace in this way.
The first film of the autumn will be a new print version of The Third Man (1949). This was the second collaboration between director Carol Reed and author Graham Greene.
Tea and home-made cakes will be served.
Cost: £6, a donation from which will go to the School for Peace.
Sunday September 13th 2015 - All day
Marc Norris ran the Bristol Half  Marathon for us. He raised £246.25. Thank you, Marc!
Saturday September 12th 2015 - 7.30pm
Hungate Canopy Theatre (Hungate Church), Beccles, NR34 9TT
Our patron, Louis de Bernières, kindly agreed to participate in the show which featured members of the group Salon Entertainment and included a magic lantern, music, recitation and community singing. The girls choir, Auriga Capella, performed by popular request. Refreshments were served. £1,095 was raised - our largest sum for an evening event. The music hall was very popular and we received positive feedback. The entertainers gave their talents freely and we are extremely grateful to all of them. THe money raised will go towards provising resources for the secondary school.
Wednesday September 9th 2015 - 7.30pm
64 Northgate, Beccles, NR34 9AU
Please come to the AGM where we will reflect on the last year and look to the new plans for the future of the school. Refreshments will be served.
Saturday August 29th 2015 - 10am to 4pm
St Benet's Church and Hall, Beccles NR34 9NR
29 – 31 August. The School for Peace Support Group had a bric-a-brac stall during the flower festival. £170.67 was raised. At a carboot sale the previous week, £81.05 was raised.
Wednesday July 8th 2015 - 8pm
64 Northgate NR34 9AU
The regular meeting for the School for Peace Support group will take place later than usual. We will prepare the AGM as well as other future events. There wil be no meeting in August.
Thursday June 4th 2015 - 7.30pm
64 Northgate, Beccles, Suffolk NR34 9AU
At this meeting we'll prepare for the forthcoming AGM.
Thursday May 21st 2015 - 2pm
Beccles Library
Mary Ellwood will give a brief introduction to the Congo including information about the current situation and the reasons why education is so important there.
Wednesday May 20th 2015 - 2pm
Geldeston Village Hall opposite the Wherry Inn NR34 0LB
This month (the last in the season) we are showing ...
The Imitation Game (2014)
In 1939, newly created British intelligence agency MI6 recruits Cambridge mathematics alumnus Alan Turing (Benedict Cumberbatch) to crack Nazi codes, including Enigma which cryptanalysts thought unbreakable. Turing's team, including Joan Clarke (Keira Knightley), analyze Enigma messages while he builds a machine to decipher them. Turing and team finally succeed and become heroes, but in 1952, the quiet genius encounters disgrace when authorities reveal he is gay and send him to prison.
1h 54m
Tea and cakes will be served. Cost: £6.
Wednesday May 13th 2015 - 7.30pm
St Benet's Church Beccles NR34 9NR
Congratulations to all the musicians and audience on a wonderful evening which has raised £635.54 for the School for Peace. This money will go towards buying resources for the secondary block. Thank you all for giving so generously of your time and money.
The concert featured talented young musicians from Beccles and the surrounding area, including the girls' choir Auriga Capella. Music included Pergolesi Stabat Mater and Scherzi Musicali by Monteverdi with string accompaniment.
Auriga Capella
Scherzi Musicali by Claudio Monteverdi. With string accompaniment by Jim O'Toole, Liz Skinner Emily Lawler and Sarah Gure (violins), Ursula Pank ('cello) and John Nicholson (Keyboard). Sung by Auriga Capella.
1/ Fugge il verno dei dolori
2/ Non così tosto
3/ La Pastorella mia spietata
4/ O Rosetta
5/ Dolci miei sospiri
6/ Lidia spina del mio core
Toccata in D minor by J.S. Bach played by Ollie Neale (organ)
Madrigal by Louis Aubert, played by Ellie Boardman (flute)
Le Colibri by Ernest Chausson, sung by Bonnie Quinlan
Sonata no. 2 in G (first movement) by J.L. Krebs and Festive Trumpet Tune by David German, played by Ollie Neale (organ).
Stabat Mater by Giovanni Battista Pergolesi. Sung by Auriga Capella, accompanied by John Nicholson.
Composed when he was 26 years old in 1736Â during the final weeks of his life.
1/ Stabat Mater DolorosaÂ
3/Â O quam tristis et afflicta *
8/ Fac ut ardeat cor meum
ENCORE: It's My Party. Â Medley: Arranged by Greg Gilpin.
Sunday May 10th 2015 - 10am-4pm
Langley Park, Langley, Loddon, NR14 6BJ
The School for Peace support group had a stall at this annual event for all the family. £130.96 was raised. Thanks to all who helped on the day, especially with setting up and clearing away afterwards.
Thursday April 30th 2015 - 7.30pm
64 Northgate, Beccles, NR34 9AU
At this meeting we will discuss Sister Virginie's recent visit and prepare forthcoming events. All are welcome. Refreshments will be served.
Sunday March 29th 2015 - 3 pm
Quaker Meeting House, Beccles, NR34 9AB
Chris Greenhill gave an illustrated talk about his recent five-week trek in Nepal.
Tea and home-made cakes were served.
£212 was made.
Thanks to Chris and Sally for their hard work and to all those who attended and who gave generously.
Wednesday March 18th 2015 - 2pm
Geldeston Village Hall, NR34 0LB
The film this month is Mr Turner, examining the life and career of British artist J. M. W. Turner (1775–1851). Directed by Mike Leigh and starring Timothy Spall in the role of Turner. Tea and home-made cakes will be served. Cost: £6, a donation from which will go to the School for Peace.
Thursday March 5th 2015 - 7.30pm
64 Northgate, Beccles, NR34 9AU
Wednesday February 25th 2015 - 2pm
Geldeston Village Hall opposite the Wherry Inn NR34 0LB
The film this month is 'My Old Lady', the story of a middle-aged American who inherits a flat in Paris only to find it occupied by an uncooperative 90-year-old woman (Maggie Smith). Tea and home-made cakes will be served.
Cost: £6, a donation from which will go to the School for Peace.
Tuesday February 3rd 2015 - 7.30pm
64 Northgate Beccles NR34 9AU
Please come to our regular meeting when we'll discuss finances and forthcoming events as well as news from Congo.
Tuesday February 3rd 2015 - 7.30pm
64 Northgate Beccles NR34 9AU
Wednesday January 28th 2015 - 2pm
Geldeston Village Hall opposite the Wherry Inn NR34 0LB
The first film of 2015 will be Effie Gray, telling the story of the disastrous marriage between Effie Gray and John Ruskin, a key figure in Victorian life. The film stars Dakota Fanning, Greg Wise and Emma Thompson. Tea and home-made cakes will be served. Cost: £6, a donation from which will go to the School for Peace.
Thursday January 15th 2015 - 7.30pm
64 Northgate, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9AU
Saturday December 20th 2014 - 2pm - 4pm
The Forum, Norwich
Take a break from your Christmas shopping and hear this excellent choir singing carols from around the world. All of the money they collect will be donated to The School for Peace.
Thursday December 11th 2014 - 19.30
64Northgate, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9AU
the last meeting of the year will include seasonal refreshments.
Sunday November 23rd 2014 - 10am - 3pm
Langley School, Loddon, Norfolk NR14
The School for Peace stall at this annual Christmas Fayre raised £92.60.
Thanks to all those who donated items.
Wednesday November 19th 2014 - 2pm
Geldeston Village Hall opposite the Wherry Inn NR34 0LB
This month we are showing 'Belle', inspired by the true story of Dido Elizabeth Belle, the illegitimate mixed-race daughter of a Royal Naval Admiral in late 18th century England. " ... A gripping drama in which issues of racial discrimination, slavery and class are canvassed."
Sunday November 16th 2014 - 8pm - 9pm
This is a documentary about the Kinshasa Symphony Orchestra and their recent tour of Britain. You will also hear the Symphony choir to give you an idea of how wonderful the singing is in the D.R.C.
Thursday November 13th 2014 - 19.30
64 Northgate, Beccles, Suffolk, NR34 9AU
Wednesday October 15th 2014 - 2pm
Geldeston Village Hall opposite the Wherry Inn NR34 0LB
This month, we are showing 'A Promise', starring Richard Madden, Rebecca Hall, Toby Murray and Alan Rickman. Set in Germany in 1912, it tells the tale of an ageing steel magnate, Karl Hoffmeister (Alan Rickman), and his young protégé, Friedrich Zeitz, who falls in love with Hoffmeister's young wife, Charlotte.
Thursday October 9th 2014 - 7.30pm
64 Northgate, Beccles, NR34 9AU
All are welcome to attend these monthly meetings.
Wednesday September 17th 2014 - 2 pm
Geldeston Village Hall opposite the Wherry Inn NR34 0LB
The first film of the autumn season is "The Jersey Boys" . Tea, coffee and home-made cakes will be served in the interval. A percentage of the takings will be donated to The School for Peace. Last year £370 was raised.
Thursday September 11th 2014 - 7:30 pm
64 Northgate, Beccles, NR34 9AU
From September 2014, these meetings will change to Thursday evenings. Everyone is welcome to attend, especially if you are able to organise or help with a fund-raising activity.
Sunday August 31st 2014 - 2 till 6 pm
40 Puddingmoor , Beccles
The Music Garden Party at 40 Puddingmoor, Beccles raised £272.91 Thanks to Joy and everyone who attended, provided music and made refreshments. This is more than enough to send two children to school for a year.
Sunday August 17th 2014 - 6am - 1pm
St Benet's Primary School and Kessingland
There have been two table-top sales recently: the first at St Benet's Primary school as part of their annual summer fete in July and the second at the weekly Kessingland car boot sale on 17th August. These two events raised £147.50.
Sunday August 10th 2014 - 2 till 6 pm
40 Puddingmoor , Beccles
Ex-Hurricane Bertha - Please come on August 31st Instead.
You are invited to a Music Garden Party at 40 Puddingmoor, Beccles.
Please bring instruments, party pieces, other musicians.
A piano, a stage, an audience (neighbours and friends), tea, soft drinks and cake.
Music for group singing and groups of instrumentalists.
Donations in aid of The School for Peace, Chamalale, Congo.
This is an informal party in my garden. There is no running order, or time/standard expectation. People arrive when they like and just come up and do their party piece/s and sometimes singers, or instrumentalists just join together. Apart from rock, all genres are welcome. Neighbours and Friends are invited to watch and listen and you can bring alcohol if you wish.
Families are particularly invited.
We did this for a few years and I am excited to revive it. Please just come, but let me know if you can perform.
Joy Jeffrey
Wednesday June 11th 2014 - 7:30 pm
64 Northgate, Beccles, NR34 9AU
Please come to The School for Peace AGM, followed by drinks and nibbles and a sale of Congolese items.
Wednesday May 14th 2014 - 7:30 pm
64 Northgate, Beccles
All supporters of the School for Peace are invited to come to our monthly meetings. We look forward to welcoming you.
Sunday April 13th 2014 - 10 am
Philip Crisp has run in the London Marathon for the nursery school. He has raised over £3,000. The final sum will be announced as soon as possible. Thanks to Philip and his hard work training daily.
Friday March 21st 2014 - 7:30 pm
Conservative Club, Beccles, NR34 9TZ
£5 for adults, £1 school-age children.
Have you ever wondered what your handwriting reveals about you? Well now is your chance to find out!
The broadcaster, Diane Simpson, is coming to Beccles to give a talk about graphology entitled "Graphology or Kidology". An "intriguing" and a "fun experience" Diane is often described as a cross between Jo Brand and Shirley Valentine.
There will also be refreshments and a raffle.
Tickets will be available on the door.
Proceeds from the ticket sales will be used to support the education of children at the school.
Wednesday March 19th 2014 - 2 pm
Geldeston Village Hall
The film 'Philomena' was shown and a record £90 was raised! Thanks to Brian and all who came and enjoyed delicious cakes made by Jo and Lilian.
Sunday March 16th 2014 - 6:30 pm
Framlingham College Theatre
Wagner Overture Flying Dutchman
Bruch Violin Concerto No.1 in G min with soloist Beth Spendlove
Elgar Howarth Six Miniatures for Ian
Schumann Symphony No.4 in D min. Conductor: Elgar Howarth
£180 was raised in a retiring collection. Thank you to all!
Friday February 7th 2014 - 9 am
Durrants Auction Rooms, Beccles
Donated Edwards VIII toys, collectables and militaria were sold for £358.30. Many thanks to the donor and to everyone else who has contributed to the Congo School for Peace. Please keep up the good work!
Friday January 17th 2014 - 9 am
Durrants Auctioneers, Beccles
A significant collection of Edward VIII memorabilia was auctioned. The proceeds were donated to the Congo School for Peace and £ 152.48 was raised. Neil would like to thank the donor for their generous gift.
Saturday December 21st 2013 - From 9 am
All day at the Beccles TESCO Store
Tesco has kindly given us permission to collect money for the School For Peace at their store. We plan to include some live music, there will be a display about the work we support in Congo and there will be leaflets about the project.
Friday December 13th 2013 - 10:30 am
St. Benet's Church, Beccles, NR34 9NR
Ian had undiagnosed Prostate cancer.
Friday November 29th 2013 - 6 pm
25 Ballygate, Beccles
£450 was raised at this lovely event. Thanks to Jane and her team for all their hard work. Thanks to all those who donated so generously to the project.
Wednesday November 20th 2013 - 2 pm
Geldeston Village Hall
Two films, Zepplins at 2pm and Norfolk Past at 2.45pm.
Wednesday November 13th 2013 - 7:30 pm
64 Northgate, Beccles
All supporters of the School for Peace are invited to come to our monthly meetings. We look forward to welcoming you.
Wednesday October 16th 2013 - 2 pm
Geldeston Village Hall
A film comedy, Robot and Fred.
Wednesday October 9th 2013 - 7:30 pm
64 Northgate, Beccles
All supporters of the School for Peace are invited to come to our monthly meetings. We look forward to welcoming you.
Wednesday September 18th 2013 - 2 pm
Geldeston Village Hall
The Great Gatsby.
Wednesday September 11th 2013 - 7:30 pm
64 Northgate, Beccles
All supporters are most welcome to come along. Our meeting are normally held on the second Wednesday of each month.
Wednesday August 21st 2013 - 7:30 pm
64 Northgate, Beccles.
A very successful meeting was held.
Sunday July 21st 2013 - 1 pm
Betty Breheny's lovely garden.
This event on raised £760 for the School for Peace.
Our grateful thanks to Betty Breheny for allowing us to use her lovely garden. And a big thank you to Johnny Q's Jazz Band for entertaining us so well. Thank you to Elizabeth Craigen and her helpers who prepared the meal. We also thank those who donated raffle prizes, erected the marquees and set out tables and chairs etc. and, of course, 'everyone who came and supported the event.'
Johnny Q's Jazz Band
The audience enjoying their lunch in the shade of the marquees.
Friday June 21st 2013 - 7:30 pm
64 Northgate, Beccles.
All supporters are most welcome to come along.
Monday June 17th 2013 - 7 pm
St Benet's RC Minster, Beccles
Capella Antiqua directed by Philip Thorby sang the Requiem Mass by Victoria.
The retiring collection raised £530. We are very grateful to Capella Antiqua and Philip Thorby for supporting the School for Peace with their wonderful music beautifully sung and, of course the large audience for coming and being so generous with their donations.
Saturday June 15th 2013 - 7 pm
St Benet's Hall, Beccles
This was very well supported with a wonderful choice of dishes to choose from.
£381.50 was raised for the School for Peace.
Thank you to Pamela and her team for doing such a splendid job organising this event, to everyone who cooked dishes and donated raffle prizes and to the people who came and supported the event. Father Martin presenting cheques, each for £381.50 raised at the Curry Night to Caroline Topping (Mayor of Beccles) and Mary Ellwood (Congo School for Peace supporter).
Wednesday May 15th 2013 - 7 pm
Chedgrave Church
£150 was raised. Our sincere thanks to the performers, the organisers of the concert and the audience for their generosity.
Sunday May 12th 2013 - 10 am
Langley Park School Grounds
Issy with Sr. Virginie from Congo
The School For Peace Stall at Langley Park Daffodil Day raised £187. In addition at Langley on the same day, Issy Milburn raised £44.20p selling School for Peace wristbands and other items.
Thank you Issy!
Friday May 10th 2013 - 7:30 pm
64 Northgate, Beccles
Mary and Jane gave an illustrated talk about their recent visit to Congo. A pleasing £192 was raised that evening in donations and sale of goods.
Saturday April 6th 2013 - 7 pm
Joy's House
On Saturday 6th April, Joy Jeffrey hosted a three course dinner with wine to raise money for the School for Peace. £430 was raised - thank you very much Joy!
Sunday August 28th 2011 - 2:30 pm
40 Puddingmoor, Beccles
For the last few years, Joy Jeffrey and her neighbour, Karen Wareham have opened their gardens, removed part of the fencing and organised an afternoon of music with delicious food and drinks. Admission is free but guests are invited to put a donation into the now famous green 'Congo Jar'.
Thank you 'again' Karen and Joy for another lovely afternoon and for donating all the proceeds to the School for Peace.
Saturday August 28th 2010 - 10 am
St. Benet's Church
This three day ''Flower Festival'' event was on Saturday, Sunday and Monday. One third of the money raised was for the St. Benet's School for Peace.
Sunday August 15th 2010 - From 06:30 am
Kessingland Car Boot Sale
Neil and Ian have been doing something strange.
For a while, their garage had housed a lot of odds and ends of no great value while the nice car suffered all weathers on the drive outside. At 6.30am on Sunday 15th August two cars laden to the ceiling set off for the Kessingland.
Despite getting there so early, we were no where near the front of the queue. It was a nice day and trading was brisk. A total of £246.55p was raised which, given that the highest selling item was just £8 means a large number of items changed hands.
You meet a lot of very nice folk in this part of the world and several people either chose to pay well over the odds or just give us a donation in recognition of the fact this was a charity fund-raising stall.
Items left over will be offered for sale at future events - watch this space.
Saturday August 14th 2010 - 2:30 pm
40 Puddingmoor, Beccles
For the last few years, Joy Jeffrey and her neighbour, Karen Wareham have opened their gardens, removed part of the fencing and organised an afternoon of music with delicious food and drinks.
Admission is free but guests are invited to put a donation into the now famous green 'Congo Jar'.
For several days up to the event the weather forecasts were ominous! As the day dawned, the rain had cleared, the temperature was perfect and a lovely afternoon followed. More than £200 was raised. Thank you Karen and Joy for giving so many people a lovely afternoon and for donating the proceeds to the School for Peace.
Saturday May 29th 2010 - 7 pm
St. Benet's Church Hall
The Mayor, Margaret and our MP
A Curry Supper was held in St. Benet's Church Hall. A marvellous variety of curries and trimmings were provided by Margaret Atkins and her wonderful helpers. A Raffle was held and, in addition to buying tickets for the meal, guests were invited to make donations for their drinks. The hall was filled to capacity.
Nearly £2,000 was raised for the St. Benet's School for Peace.
It was hoped that Sister Euphrasie, the mother superior of the Sisters of St. Joseph in Congo, would join us for the evening. She was already in Europe having visited the Vatican in Rome and then Brussels in Belgium.
Astonishingly, the British authorities at the consulate in Belgium refused her a visa! It became apparent a couple of weeks before her intended arrival than the application was stalling so Michael Ellwood contacted our newly elected MP, Peter Aldous for help. Mr Aldous responded immediately and did all he could to persuade the authorities that this applications was a worthy one, but to no avail. As a thank you for taking the trouble to try and obtain permission for Sr. Euphrasie to come, Peter Aldous was invited, and kindly joined us as a guest at the Curry Supper.
A message from Sr. Euphrasie was read out as well as one from Anne Bauers who was too ill in hospital to attend. The mayor of Beccles, Brian Taylor, also joined us for the evening and we are most grateful for his and our MP's support.
Part of the plan was to give Sr. Euphrasie the money that had been raised since last August for the School for Peace. So she would still get the money, Mary Ellwood travelled to Brussels to hand over the money. Not a perfect evening then but still most enjoyable and highly successful in raising so much money. Our thanks to Margaret and her helpers for the wonderful meal, to an anonymous benefactor who paid for all the food and drinks, to Peter Aldous and Brian Taylor and, of course, to everyone who bought tickets and supported the evening.
Please mail Mary to volunteer help or ask about the school.
Please mail Neil for website problems and updates.
Copyright © 2025 School for Peace.