Please check the "Documents" page for the latest newsletter. The "Gift Aid" and "Sponsor" forms are there too.
Information Leaflet - Peter Hobbs Donation Page
The playground is now paved. This is an important detail. In wet weather, the children will no longer trail mud inside the school. And in dry weather, there is far less dust which could clog the computer fans.
The next project is a purpose-built library costing around 30,000 pounds.
The school first opened in 2005.
In 2016, Mary made another visit. Progress was excellent.
More recently these photos were emailed showing the new build up and running!
We received this photo and the following message messages from the sisters:
"The building is really beautiful. Congratulations on this great work which is the fruit of your love and care for the poorest children of Tchamalale. You never get discouraged. You are angels for our congregation."
Please mail Mary to volunteer help or ask about the school.
Please mail Neil for website problems and updates.
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